The power
of investment


When you invest with Bagdala, your investment could go further than you think.
Say we’re investing in the construction of a new stadium. Your investment doesn’t just build stands and floodlights. It can build a home that binds a community.
Or take robotics. Your investment doesn’t just drive technological progress in industry. It can also help develop innovations like life-changing prosthetics.

More impact. More opportunities. More progress. That’s the power of investment.

The breadth of our business connects our clients with wide-ranging investment solutions, giving them more confidence to achieve their goals.
Working together, we can all help build a better world.
That’s the power of investment.

About Us

BAGDALA is a holding company managing a diverse portfolio of services, assets, and investments in the United Arab Emirates. We help our customers work towards their savings and investment goals. And that means creating outcomes that are more than just financial.

Because done properly, investment creates opportunity – the opportunity to change things for the better. To not only create a better future for you and your family, but also for the communities around us, the environment we live in and the industries that shape our society.

Our Business

We are a global investment company that helps clients and customers plan, save and invest for their future. Our business is structured around three vectors, focused on the changing needs of our clients:


Across markets globally, we build investment solutions to enable clients to create more opportunities for their futures.
Global investment solutions.
Discretionary investment management.


Our platform technology and tools help wealth managers and financial advisers create more opportunities for their clients and their businesses.
Adviser technology and business support.


Our personal wealth business offers a range of services to help individuals plan for financially secure futures – and with our acquisition of interactive investor, we’re helping to empower clients at all stages of their financial journey.
Financial advice and digital investing.
Discretionary investment management.

How investment makes a difference:

Clean energy

Empowering a sustainable world by connecting individuals and institutions with investments in clean energy ... read more

From fossil fuel-based to zero-carbon solutions , the energy transition is underway.

Solar Powered Companies.

Helping drive the energy transition.

The value of investments can go down as well as up, and the investor could get back less than was paid in. Laws and tax rules may change in the future. Personal circumstances and where the investor lives in the UAE will also have an impact on tax treatment.

The energy transition is underway.

The goal is to transform the global energy sector from fossil fuel-based to zero-carbon solutions by the second half of this century. If successful, this should reduce energy-related CO2 emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Renewable energy and energy efficiency will be at the heart of this transition. This includes solar, wind, and sea.

Artificial intelligence

We absolutely can’t ignore that artificial intelligence is changing the way we do everything in every industry, from the possibility of self-driving cars to social media algorithms showing you customized content ... read more

You may have heard of some of AI's advances in text or image generation. You may have even heard about AI being used in health care, as the World Economic Forum just announced how AI could detect tuberculosis.

The hope is that machines will eventually replicate human intelligence without the need for human input or interference. This space is growing rapidly, and it seems likely that every industry will be impacted by it. Many major companies have invested heavily in AI, and it feels like if you don’t take it seriously, you could be left behind.

If you’re looking to see the power of AI in action, you must learn more about us, our company is built to leverage artificial intelligence to offer investment strategies. Bagdala utilizes artificial intelligence in three key ways to help investors:

Creating investment kits, which is to say selecting stocks, ETFs, etc. The power of AI is used assess every investment every week and to bundle them into kits that users can use to invest in key market sectors like Precious Metals, Tech Rally, Value Vault and Short Squeeze.

Weighting the assets in each Investment Kit in order to manage downside risk within each sector. Portfolio Protection is a feature that uses AI predictions to forecast possible risks to adjust portfolio allocations.

If you’re hoping to make money in the AI space, you can invest in one of our Kits. AI-powered Investment Kits take the guesswork out of investing. Our artificial intelligence scours the markets for the best investments for all manners of risk tolerances and financial situations.

AI is now allowing computers to make decisions that historically required human beings. Issues are resolved within a company without humans ever interacting. AI is being used to solve complex problems, automating new tasks and business functions, minimizing errors, leading research and data analysis, and even - ahem - enhancing customer service.

Each asset is assessed on its technical merit, growth potential, momentum volatility and market sentiment data from news sources, search data, proprietary sources and more…


As long as your business exists, investment in marketing is a vital contributor to your success. What are the upsides when you invest in marketing? ... read more

Here are 5 reasons to increase investment in marketing today.

  1. Invest in key marketing skills to optimize your marketing strategy.
    In today's competitive environment, you need to hone your marketing team's key skills to ensure you are working as efficiently and effectively as possible to reach and engage your customers and make money. But without the initial investment, this can be difficult to achieve.
  2. Reach more customers through employee-customer success.
    Over the years, customer service has grown in importance. In fact, it's now a form of marketing. When you treat your customers well, they promote your company through word of mouth and you attract even more customers. This process begins with engaged employees equipped with the skills and tools to do the job at hand.
  3. Invest in your marketing team to increase profitability across the board.
    Generally, employee engagement at workplaces is low. According to a Gallup study, only 36% of American employees are engaged in their work, and 14% are actively disengaged.
  4. Marketing investments to retain staff and save costs.
    Apart from increasing productivity, CPD (continuous professional development) creates an environment where your employees feel more committed to their work.
    Investing in your employees, in turn, provokes loyalty from those employees. LinkedIn's latest Workplace Learning Report highlighted that, in 2019, 94% of employees would remain at a company longer if it invested in their development.
    In addition to the commercial benefits of their training, increasing retention rates can help you save other costs too.
  5. Invest to attract top talent.
    To build a successful business, you need to hire the best talents. As your business grows, you'll need to expand and fill in more positions.
    The good news is that you can attract great talents by investing in your current employees. When you do this, they become your business advocates for potential employees.
    Furthermore, in a survey of millennials by PwC, 35% listed 'Excellent training/development programmes' as attractive to employees (third on the list), making investment in marketing training even more important for your current and future marketing teams.

New technologies

Companies and investors are watching five technology trends around the exchange of data in industrials, insurance, healthcare, digital infrastructure and resource planning.
Emerging technology in industrials, insurance, healthcare, digital infrastructure and enterprise resource planning is enabling the exchange of data across value chains, and investors are monitoring companies that help connect data across disparate sources in specific sectors. Given demand for these solutions, big companies and private equity firms are on the hunt for acquisitions to increase their market share within industry verticals ... read more

Industrial Companies: Early Stages of Digital Connectivity.
Industrial companies in the automotive, energy and construction sectors are just starting to use systems that offer help managing physical assets and that connect disparate parts of value chains.
There are numerous opportunities for industrials to increase efficiency with such solutions. For an energy company, for example, helpful connectivity solutions might offer an overview of all physical assets as well as features such as pipeline safety notifications that automatically assign workers to investigate and address issues, said Bjoern Crombach, a Morgan Stanley banker who specializes in industrial software. For a car manufacturer, technologies might automate reordering paint once supply runs low to help the company keep up production.
“Industrial companies are demanding software that helps manage their different stages of day-to-day business,” Crombach said. Private companies are offering a number of promising solutions, and thus attracting the attention of large public companies interested in acquisitions, he said.

Insurtech: The Next Fintech?
Compared to industrials, technology is in further stages of development for the insurance sector (known as “insurtech”) as proliferation and use of software applications in the industry has been growing for five years, Ares said. “A significant number of businesses have emerged in insurtech with meaningful revenue growth and attractive profitability,” he said.
Investors are interested in whether insurtech could be the next fintech. Insurtech technology spans data analysis, Internet of Things (IoT)—i.e., physical devices—and AI, and it aims to facilitate cost savings and efficiencies in processing claims, evaluating risks and underwriting policies. With mainstream adoption of open banking and payments apps in the last decade, fintech has become the poster child proving the value of networks that connect and manage various sources and forms of data, “an incredibly sticky proposition for any industry,” Ares said. Companies offering tailored technology solutions in verticals such as insurance are betting that apps and online platforms can catch on, similar to how they did in consumer banking and financial services.

Healthcare Technology for the Continuum of Care
Healthcare is an industry lagging behind in its adoption of technology, so opportunities abound to improve patient outcomes and accessibility to healthcare amid caregiver labor shortages and the rising cost of care in Europe and the U.S. One method is complete data sharing between patients’ doctors and care locations (i.e. clinics and labs): “Data-centric healthcare requires technology embedded throughout the continuum of care,” said Marie-Gabrielle Bui, a Morgan Stanley banker who specializes in healthcare technology. “A patient’s doctors and patients themselves should be able to easily access secure data that is privacy-compliant across care locations.”
Another lever is to move chronic patients from emergency care, which is extremely expensive, to preventative care, which is more affordable, Bui said. One example is healthcare technology that helps diabetic patients by continuously monitoring their glucose levels, warning them when levels are too high and scheduling doctors’ appointments and follow-up when necessary. Other avenues include artificial intelligence (AI)-backed symptom checkers and gamified apps for patient engagement or chatbots providing tools for psychological support, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.
Given wide demand for healthcare technology, companies are looking to acquire businesses that offer healthcare software or digital health tools because M&A—even across country borders—may cost less than fully developing solutions in-house, Bui said. In particular, European companies are interested in acquisitions to capture more geographic market share, despite different local regulations.

Trends in Digital Infrastructure
Data consumption by businesses and consumers is continuing to grow exponentially, driving demand for all types of digital infrastructure—notably fiber, data centers and mobile towers. In recent years, this has also driven high levels of M&A activity and valuations, with lower-cost capital providers becoming increasingly comfortable with future growth prospects.
Nevertheless, the current macroeconomic environment is a test for the asset class, said Max Thiele, a Morgan Stanley banker who specializes in digital infrastructure: “While the investment case for digital infrastructure continues to be very strong and demand for quality assets is high, companies and investors are carefully scrutinizing the impact of inflation, power prices and the risk of recession, including if and how certain cost drivers can be passed through to customers.”
In addition, market participants are searching for the next adjacent infrastructure growth and capital deployment opportunities, Thiele said. “This includes investments in tier 2 cities and markets, infrastructure deployments in preparation of new exciting use cases, such as edge computing, and also asset classes that have historically not been considered classic infrastructure but have proven highly predictable and economically resilient.”

Cloud and AI for Resource Planning and HR
Companies across industries are looking to technology to streamline internal functions such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human resources (HR), said Leila Harestani, a Morgan Stanley banker who specializes in ERP and HR technology.
In ERP, one of the biggest trends is cloud for deployment, in which software is hosted on vendors’ servers and accessed through a web browser, generally at a lower cost than the alternative on-premises software, which is installed locally on a company’s computers or servers. As cloud-based ERP proliferates, more small- and medium-sized businesses may adopt these solutions, but vendors will have to prove they have prepared for security risks, such as who can access sensitive data and potential data theft by malicious actors, Harestani said. Another important theme is the use of AI to identify and learn from data patterns, which offers widespread applications for forecasting and modelling, supply chain tracking and customer service.
In HR, AI is useful for recruiting, onboarding and employee engagement, and companies are also investigating how the blockchain could enable better data security through encryption, according to Harestani.

Emerging private companies are the frontrunners offering these ERP and HR capabilities, and that has led to M&A interest from bigger companies, Harestani said. “The more innovative and advanced technology solutions are coming from start-ups, and existing players in the market—larger companies and private equity firms—may look to acquire them.”

Creating Connections

How better internet connection could lift millions out of poverty.
Investing in internet infrastructure ... read more

In developing countries, a mobile phone is often the only gateway to the internet.
This connectivity can bring an immediate boost not just to communication but also to living standards. In parts of Africa, paying for goods and services by phone is now more widespread than in sections of the US. For people who’ve been locked out of a formal financial system, mobile and internet connection can be transformative. A phone can act as a bank branch and ATM, giving access to transactions, savings and credit. It can also provide insurance services and cheaper ways to transfer money. These functions have all been shown to rapidly lift people out of poverty.
We believe that infrastructure investment in developing nations must now include mobile and broadband coverage. For many, Wi-Fi – and the electricity that powers it – is almost more important than roads. Being online means being part of the modern world. In addition to banking and financing, the internet offers educational, employment, commercial and healthcare opportunities. It boosts inclusion, fosters knowledge and gives a greater freedom of expression. In cutting down on the need for travel, it can also reduce carbon emissions.

Our vision for a better future starts with asking more of ourselves.

Every day we look for ways to go further for our clients and customers, to be a better and more inclusive employer, to strengthen our governance and to reduce our environmental impacts.